Hospital doors
Simple sealing automatic sliding door with HPL panel
The simple sealing sliding doors HB-SALTS for hospitals feature a HPL panel available in 125 colours and are easily customizable to fully meet the needs of your customer.
The automatic, simple sealing, push and pull sliding doors HB-SALTS are available in 2 versions:
- HB-SALTS1 – Single-leaf sliding door for openings up to 2,000 mm
- HB-SALTS2 – Double-leaf sliding door for openings up to 2,500 mm
To ensure simple sealing, the leaf moves horizontally and, when it is nearly closed, it comes to rest against the jambs and the transom of the frame, which extends out from the wall, guaranteeing an airtight seal through the compression of special rubber sealing strips on the two vertical sides and the top horizontal side of the door.
The support trolleys can bear and move a maximum load of 300 kg for a single-leaf door. The automation is also equipped with a specific type of software that is able to provide additional power when operating heavy doors.
The door features a brushless motor automation with a 6 years guarantee by Label; these new automations reduce consumption, require little maintenance and the operating parameters can be quickly entered or modified via the LabelTool app.
The door is designed to be easily sanitized to simplify the cleaning procedures needed in the healthcare environment.
Radiology doors
The door can also be supplied with 1, 2, 3 or 4 mm thick lead plate for protection from X-rays. The realization of some models depends on the weight that the door can reach when the lead plate is inserted into it.
- Automazione su trave da 78 mm, copertura ispezionabile in alluminio e fianchetti laterali in ABS
- Gruppo copertura da mm 150x120H in lega di alluminio con articolazione per sgancio e supporto
- Automazione per una o due ante scorrevoli
- Portata massima di 400 kg per porta a doppia anta o 300 kg per porta ad anta singola
- Lunghezza massima dell’automazione: 6.500 mm.
- Rotaia di scorrimento in lega di alluminio sospesa su guarnizione in gomma anti-rumore
- Motore BRUSHLESS, scatola ingranaggi reversibile
- Trasmissione del movimento mediante cinghia dentata in gomma con cordoli in kevlar, antistatica
- Carrelli a doppia ruota con dispositivo anti-deragliamento
- Unità di controllo con microprocessore ad auto-apprendimento e gestione automatica delle procedure di sicurezza (anti-schiacciamento, inversione di direzione, movimento di sicurezza a bassa velocità)
The standard supply includes:
- ETH automation with BRUSHLESS motor
Leaf panel complete with dedicated frames and gaskets - Aluminium covering unit, raw-aluminium version
- Digital selector
- Safety sensors (Qty. 2)
- Vision panels
- Handles
- Bump bands
- Pulse devices
- Opening safety sensors
Operating rooms, surgeries, laboratories, emergency rooms, X-Ray rooms, intensive care units.
Dimensions and Components